Unique ornaments are not only a great gift idea for the newlyweds or your grandparents' house, but they can also be treasured heirlooms that can be passed down generations and enhance the style of a home if used tastefully. First, welcome signs are placed on fabrics such as tablecloths, towels, pillows, linens, and blankets, or carved in wood or metal above the door. But some place them on upholstered furniture, suitcases, cutlery, plates and glasses, or just plain decorations like wooden shutters. Most have a three-letter italicized initial that resembles the person's first and last name, with the middle initial being the largest.
You might think that these parts are reserved for traditional design only. However, this is not the case as there are many ways to update a monogrammed item. There are also many modern monogrammed items for sale that will add a personal touch to your home.
Try this clever trick
To use monograms in a modern home, you should reduce the use of these elements and make the design more subtle. So, instead of choosing a traditional style font, you can go for a block or simple look. Also choose one or two words instead of three or write the sentence. For example, you can have first and last name or any word. A popular option for couples is to add the words "his and hers" to their shower. Another way to modernize monograms is to use them in unexpected places: embroider initials in the lower left corner of a pillowcase or place two letters on a piece of paper around a floral design. A smaller font size makes it more expressive and modern.
According to The Scout Guide, those looking for a jazzy look can cut out the initials from old monogrammed fabrics and add them to something else. Add a traditional font to a modern piece for a fun contrast.
Buy modern rooms
If you want to incorporate modern monograms into your home decor, there are many options on Etsy. As mentioned, older monogrammed pieces have an italic, newer items sometimes have a block font. Therefore, you can buy a wooden sign with an engraved letter in this style. Some have a futuristic look by using fonts instead of emphasizing the font.
If you are looking for modern fabrics, you should turn to minimalist styles. For example, some pillowcases only have monograms on the side, rather than initials covering the entire surface. Another example is matching the letter to the color of the bath towel, adding subtle interest that doesn't draw too much attention. Finally, your last name can be added in bold initials in a curved font, similar to a decorative cutting board.
Read more: 55 most beautiful home decoration ideas
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