Come February, as temperatures hit the 60s, landscaping crews are back in the field, and with spring cleaning on the horizon, it's tempting to spruce up the yard. Proceed with caution here.
Any leftover leaves or perennials from the fall play an important role in providing shelter and food for insects through the winter. And resisting the urge to tidy parks can preserve wildlife habitat for these beneficial creatures.
“We create a nectar garden to attract the butterflies, then we sweep the garden and literally throw it away,” says Randy Eckel, entomologist and owner of Toadshed Wildflower Farm, a local mail-order herb garden in New Jersey. "Instead of just focusing on the beautiful adults, we need to nurture their young."
Now the young stages of butterflies, moths and other beneficial insects nest in last year's leaves, some of which feed on decaying leaves, stems, bark and other plant debris. By waiting to weed your garden for at least seven days until daytime temperatures exceed 50 degrees, and allowing it to do so, you can give these youngsters a head start on life.
However, that doesn't mean you can't start gardening and gardening. Tips for tackling spring cleaning in the garden without overdoing it.
Pets adapt from insect to insect. Many people know the common names of native plants in their garden. Any plant can be bad for the insects that depend on it for food and reproduction. For example, Baltimore ladies overwinter as caterpillars under the skin of white turtles ( Chelon glabra ) and mahalon moths, which attach their cocoons to Hubricht's blue starfish ( Amsonia hubrichti ). Know which plants harbor which insects and how to prevent them from infesting your garden too quickly.
Remove leaves from hard surfaces and tails. Keep your yard clean by preventing slips and falls by removing leaves from driveways, patios, decks and driveways. While you're at it, cut away piles of thick, wet leaves on your lawn that could attract ticks.
Debunking the Green Thumb MythIf possible, move the leaves into the area - maybe into the forest if you have one. Or spread under plants to create beds. In the fall, this area is what Eckel calls a "soft landing": a place where butterflies and moths feeding on your plants can land on the porch instead of the lawn. But he said, "Don't pick the leaves like a volcano." No tree likes a volcano around its bark.
If you have room in your garden, mix leaves with fallen branches to create a shrubbery. For the following year, adults of mourning, question mark and coma moths can overwinter in these piles. They are "some of the first butterflies we see in the spring," said Eckel, who is also president of the New Jersey Native Plant Society.
Jennifer Brunell, owner of Greenleaf Designer Gardens in Littleton, Mass., advises her Boston-area clients to avoid brush piles because rabbits often nest in the area. But Akel is a fan. “A brush pile is much easier than a compost pile. This is where you collect excess twigs and leaves. Over time, something settles and decomposes, and you add more. "
Get rid of the bed. Few things clean up a natural garden like a cool border around beds. Use a hoe with a straight edge or a sickle with a half-round blade to cut the sod along the existing edge. "It gives the edge a nice, bold look, which is what makes this garden look so chic," says Eckel. If the plants overhang the lawn, separate the borders and enlarge the bed at the same time.
Deal with storm damage. Perennials bent or broken by wind or blizzards can be left as they are. But if you want to reserve, if possible, cut about 18 inches from the stem where the stem is cut. Place the pieces near the plant where they can rot and the insects inside can eventually leave. Another option is to tie cut stems with twine and lean them against a tree or a spot in the garden.
Post signs indicating wildlife habitats. As more and more front yards feature native plants, signs of wildlife habitat can mean the difference between the looks and faces of excited kids and parents curious about planting one. "Passersby, relatives and neighbors will understand that this was a deliberate choice made for the benefit of wildlife," Eckel said.
You have probably seen such signs. They can declare certified wildlife habitats, ornithological plants or certified monarch parks. But they all serve the same purpose, that there is a method to madness. Some tags can be purchased, while others require certification by conservation groups such as the National Wildlife Federation ( ), the North American Butterfly Association ( ), or part of the National Audubon Society ( ).
Americans love mulch and many of us abuse itPlan to replace hardwood mulch with living mulch. Find an empty spot in the bed and fill it with a low-growing perennial ground cover known as living or green mulch. This can reduce or eliminate the need for wood mulch. Plants suppress weeds, prevent erosion and retain moisture like traditional mulch, and some species spread over time. “There is an initial investment for the plant,” Brunel said. "But if you're paying for the mulch and the labor of spreading it, buying plants will become more affordable over time."
Brunel recommends using low-growing wildflowers ( Sporobolus heterolepis ), which he describes as "mini irises with beautiful blue flowers", as well as blue-eyed grass ( Sisyrinchium angustifolium ).
The key is to keep your garden in perspective. "It's not just plants and flowers that make a garden attractive," says Eckel. "These are butterflies, moths, bees, insects and birds that interact with plants and flowers."
Monica Cardoza writes about outdoor recreation and conservation from Ridgewood, New Jersey. Find her online at and on Twitter @probablyoutside .
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