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The New Vaccination Refusers: „It Was So Nice In The Garden After All“.

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The New Vaccination Refusers: „It Was So Nice In The Garden After All“.
© Courtesy of Refresh News Int.

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Some people would probably give up everything to get a coronavirus vaccine now; Others couldn't even leave the yard. The number of canceled visits for vaccinators is staggeringly high.

When Germany's vaccination drive began late last year, officials were particularly concerned about people who had already decided not to be vaccinated. With the help of educational and stimulus campaigns, the German government has tried to tackle the stubborn refusal of the vaccine. It will probably become clear whether this tactic worked in a few weeks. However, six months later, more babies are on the scene: more and more people are canceling scheduled vaccination visits. The reasons are diverse and often incomprehensible to outsiders who are looking forward to vaccinations.

In recent days, MDR and Daily Mirror have reported that thousands of vaccination visits have been cancelled, with significant differences between individual federal states. In Berlin, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, less than four percent of vaccinated people turn up for an appointment, the so-called "presentation rate" being 15% in Rhineland-Palatinate and about 20% in Hesse. . In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, it is believed that in some cases every third dose of vaccine must be given to someone else because the recipient did not show up.

The Saxony Vaccination Center got the gist of the matter and without further ado contacted everyone who refused to be vaccinated. The responses were amazing: some of those vaccinated forgot their appointment, others didn't want to leave the garden because of the good weather. Experts suspect other reasons include family doctors' preference for vaccinations, as well as permissive health regulations that say vaccinations are "overrated". The upcoming summer holidays also play a role, as many people do not include scheduled vaccination visits in their vacation plans, and if they do, decide to cancel or skip them.

Such cancellations, often short-term, pose a significant risk: Today, most vaccination centers still have no problem suddenly rescheduling appointments. However, as vaccination rates continue to rise and fewer people are willing to receive the vaccine, the upswing may become more difficult. The result will be lost vaccination rations. Therefore, the Minister of Health of Saxony, Petra Köpping, and Andreas Jassen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Health Insurance Physicians, appeal to the public:

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"We must not become reckless and irresponsible."

Due to the emergence of the delta variant, anyone who diligently skips vaccination endangers not only their own health, but the health of many other people as well.

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