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Ozarks Food Harvest To Distribute 5,000 Garden Kits To Families Facing Hunger

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Ozarks Food Harvest To Distribute 5,000 Garden Kits To Families Facing Hunger

Springfield, Missouri. -- The Full Circle Garden of the Ozarks Food Harvest program will be distributing 5,000 Garden-to-Go kits this year to help hungry Ozarks families grow their own food.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co., Seed Savers Exchange and other local retailers donated over $2 million worth of seeds to food banks.

The food bank distributes garden-to-go kits to 270 non-profit and religious organizations, as well as the Food Bank of America in Missouri. The food bank also has enough seeds to share with Springfield Greene County Libraries for the Heritage Seed Library this year.

"Our garden-to-go kit is another great way to feed families by giving them the tools to grow their own food," said Alexa Ponikster, Full Circle Garden of the Ozarks Food Harvest Manager. We are so grateful to the donors and volunteers who believe in our mission to turn hunger into hope.

Ozarks Food Harvest staff and volunteers sort, pick and pack items from the garden every Wednesday through February. Each set contains flower seeds, herbs and eight different types of vegetables. To make planting easier, the kits also include a special planting calendar, gardening guide and an inexpensive recipe book.

Ozarks Food Harvest started the Whole Circuit Gardens program in several community gardens in 1999 as part of a strategic initiative to increase fresh food distribution. Today, the food bank works with dozens of local partners to recruit 39 donors and distribute more than 30,000 seed packets to the community each year.

There are many opportunities for food banks this season to give families in the community access to more fresh produce. People with gardens of their own can plant an extra row and bring in food to donate to Ozarks' food production. If anyone has a large yard, farm, or garden they can contact the Food Bank Glean team at to fundraise and fundraise.

Anyone interested in joining Glenn's team or volunteering with Ozarks Food Harvest can sign up at

Publication Title: Ozarks Food Harvest Distributes 5,000 Gardening Supplies to Hungry Families

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