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Don't Commit Crape Murder. Texas A&M Expert Offers Ways To Remove Branches And Spring Gardening Tips

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Don't Commit Crape Murder. Texas A&M Expert Offers Ways To Remove Branches And Spring Gardening Tips

Crepe myrtles are so prolific that many homeowners keep them year after year without knowing why. Removing branches helps produce larger but fewer flowers; This is a maintenance that can easily be performed in the off-season by landscaping companies.

But that doesn't mean it has to be done.

Research is increasingly linking the fungus known as crepe dieback to myrtle bark scales. Killing burdock leaves provides new excess bark tissue, making a nice and comfortable home for this invasive insect. This then creates honeydew, which provides food and conditions for mold. The fungus appears as a black layer on the branches of the tree. Although not all trees are infected yet, it is not difficult to find them in a short time.

Learn more about gardening: Moths that crawl and kill

Spread the word to stop this practice, not only because the results are terrible in some cases, but because it does more harm than good to the health of crepe myrtles.

Instead, cut off dead, crossed or damaged limbs, as well as stems stuck to the ground. Selectively prune the canopy if you need to thin it out by removing small branches and twigs that block airflow from the center of the plant. It's best to do this while he's sleeping because time will soon run out.

Spring garden care

Wait to fertilize your lawn until it is old enough to mow at least twice. April is the perfect time. Grasses grow new roots in the spring. The added nutrients encourage leaf growth, which sheds light on what is happening underground. Every effort should be made to promote a strong root system before spring. Plus, earlier fertilization means more nutrients leach out.

To help reduce chemical runoff into our waterways, use the recommended amount of fertilizer as needed, avoid placing it near bodies of water, and avoid overwatering your lawn. In most cases, fertilizer may not be necessary. Log on to for personalized watering tips based on your location, rainfall and irrigation system.

In the garden

Ornamental grasses such as Pennisetum, Mascanthus and Muhly will produce new growth. If you don't prune it, do it as soon as possible so that the young green leaves don't break off the tips.

March 1 was the last temporary freeze date for Hubei Airport. Do you know what that means? Time to plant! Plant beans and peas, grains, corn, cucumbers, mustard, radishes, summer and winter squash. Plant eggplant, peppers, sweet potato wedges and tomatoes.

Plant and garden events

HARRIS COUNTY MASTER GARDEN FRUIT TREE SALE: BUY NOW ONLINE through March 16 or in person at sale. Online ordering is encouraged for the best selection. The annual Master Gardener Sale is the major fundraiser of the year to support horticultural awareness. 9am - 1pm March 18, Genoa Friendship Gardens, 1210 Genoa Red Bluff. To order online, visit

MONARCH WALK: Learn about the migration of northern monarch butterflies to their summer breeding grounds during a park walk. Participants will learn tricks fit for a garden king, then enjoy food, crafts and games. Presented by the Houston Botanical Garden. 10:00 - 13:00. March 18. $15 for workshop and general park admission. Free for members. 1 botanical trail. Register at

Garden Open House: Everyone is welcome at the Harris County Master Gardener Demonstration Garden, Genoa Friendship Gardens. Visit various plant exhibits and meet a volunteer gardener from AgriLife Extension. Fruit trees that are still for sale, as well as greenhouse plants, will be for sale. 8:30-11 am March 20, Genoa Friendship Gardens, 1210 Genoa Red Bluff.

Brandi Keeler is a Harris County horticulture agent with A&M AgriLife Texas Extension.


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