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Gardening Tips For Spring

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Gardening Tips For Spring

Spring is the perfect time to plan and prepare your garden for the new season.

1. Make the bed

Start by removing leaves, branches, and other debris that may have accumulated over the winter. This will help prevent the spread of diseases and pests in your garden.

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2. Prepare the soil

Once your garden bed has been prepared, it's time to prepare the soil for planting. To improve soil fertility and structure, turn the soil with a garden fork or rake and add compost or other organic matter.

3. Test your soil

Spring is a great time to test soil pH and nutrient levels. You can do this with a soil test kit or send a soil sample to a lab. This way you can determine what your soil needs for the best plant growth.

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4. Plan your garden

Before planting, take a moment to plan your landscape. Consider the needs of each plant, including sunlight, soil requirements and spacing between plants. You may want to plan your garden to know where it is going.

5. Grow seedlings indoors

If you've been thinking about starting your garden from seed, now is the time to start growing seedlings indoors. This will give them a head start and ensure they are ready to plant when the weather warms.

6. Plants resistant to cold

Some crops such as lettuce, spinach and peas can be planted as soon as the soil is ready in the spring. This hardy plant tolerates cold temperatures and produces early.

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7. Wet your bed

Mulching your bed with straw, leaves, or other organic material can help conserve moisture, inhibit weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. This is especially important in summer.

8. Water wisely

As the weather warms, it's important to make sure your plants get enough water. Water abundantly and moderately to encourage strong root growth. Avoid overwatering, which promotes the spread of disease and mold growth.

9. Beware of pests and diseases

Spring is the season of many pests and diseases. Watch for signs of damage, such as holes or leaf spots on plants, and take measures to prevent pests and diseases.

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10. Consider planting friends

Intercropping involves growing several crops together that are mutually beneficial in some way. For example, planting marigolds next to tomatoes helps keep pests away, and planting beans and corn helps fix nitrogen in the soil.

By following these spring gardening tips, you can get your garden off to a healthy start and reap a bountiful harvest throughout the growing season.

Never forget these 5 tips for garden care and preparation this spring

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