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Master Gardener: How To Build Your Own Square Foot Gardening Boxes

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Master Gardener: How To Build Your Own Square Foot Gardening Boxes

Square foot gardening is the use of raised boxes to grow plants. Use a special potting mix, fill it with a grid and you are ready to start gardening. The benefits of square foot gardening include less labor, less cost, and less space. Anyone ages 4 to 94 can participate in the park.

Children can be given their own small box that is 3x3 feet instead of 4x4. Having their own garden adds responsibility and takes them outside. Encourage all participants to eat healthy while building confidence. Horticultural knowledge expands as scientific and mathematical knowledge is applied and new concepts are developed. Even critical and analytical thinking is involved, but don't tell anyone!

Gardening has a positive effect on mental and behavioral functioning by reducing stress, improving concentration and memory, and creating a better mood. Family gardening together creates positive social experiences because good memories are created through shared experiences. So, here's how to do it.

Here is an example. It needs:

• (4) 4 foot 2x6 lumber

• (12) 4" wood screws

• (6) 4 feet of trellis or thick wire/rope and nails

• (9) mounting screws

• Electric drill

• Hammer

1. To create the box, use 4 inch wood screws to attach the 4 lb wood blocks to the square and install 3 screws for each joint. It is recommended that you pre-drill a starting hole for each cone.

2. The second step is mixing the soil. You need 8 cubic feet of soil in one box. One third should be compost, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 pea moss. (*Note: Try using different types of compost.) Mix the compost mixture with vermiculite and peat moss and fill the box with freshly mixed potting soil, wetting the layers with running water as they fill.

3. To complete your planting plan, create a grid that defines every square foot of your garden. One way is to build a 4-foot grid for the lawn. The simplest is to run wire or heavy rope at 1-foot intervals horizontally and vertically through the frame of the garden and attach it to the garden box with nails or screws.

For answers to your gardening questions, visit the Montgomery County Master Gardeners website at or call 936-539-7824 . Master Gardener members can help you weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. to help out at the Montgomery County A&M AgriLife Extension offices at 9020 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77301.

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